How you start your morning will impact how the rest of your day goes. If you start your morning right, you’ll have a larger chance of having a more intentional, focused, productive, and happy day.
But how do you start your morning right? What a perfect morning routine looks like differs for everyone, and there are hundreds of thousands of options to choose from. And that’s where I come in!
I’ve handpicked 75 ideas to include in a student’s morning routine – specifically targeting health and productivity. Let’s get into it!

- Not hitting the snooze button.
- Drink a glass of cold water.
- Use the bathroom.
- Take a shower.
- Take a bath.
- Stretch.
- Massage your muscles.
- Go for a run.
- Take a walk.
- Do some yoga.
- Stand against a wall for 10 mins (for posture).
- Brush your teeth carefully.
- Brush your tongue.
- Exfoliate your lips.
- Do some facial exercises.
- Do your skincare routine.
- Take vitamins.
- Put on makeup if desired.
- Spray your favorite perfume.
- Smile to yourself in the mirror.
- Meditate for 10-20 minutes.
- Do patterned breathing.
- Say affirmations.
- Write down affirmations.
- Do visualization (Law of Attraction).
- Write down your dream in a dream journal.
- List out the day’s goals.
- Reflect on yesterday.
- Write down a page of random thoughts.
- Say good morning to someone.
- Read a chapter of a book.
- Listen to a motivating podcast.
- Listen to an audiobook on Audible.
- Listen to uplifting music.
- Don’t go on social media.
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- Change out of your pajamas.
- Make your bed.
- Clean your room.
- Pray.
- Read an astrology update.
- Check the weather.
- Open all your blinds/curtains.
- Turn on the humidifier.
- Watch the sunrise.
- Call a friend/family member.
- Feed your pet.
- Walk your pet.
- Try a new breakfast recipe.
- Eat without doing anything else.
- Record 1 second a day.
- Write a line a day.
- Make a short vlog.
- Take a selfie every morning.
- Organize your desk.
- Make your room smell good.
- Take out everything you need for the school day.
- Follow a consistent routine.
- Write a todo list.
- Write a not-todo list.
- Time block your day.
- Prioritize your tasks.
- Break down your tasks.
- Remove unnecessary tasks.
- Track and limit your screen time.
- Evaluate and get rid of distractions.
- Do the most time-consuming task first.
- Check and respond to important emails.
- Charge your devices the night before.
- Preview the day’s work.
- Memorize a new vocabulary word.
- Review vocabulary flashcards.
- Review important concepts.
- Do a few practice problems.
- Finish your homework.
- Check and track your grades.
I hope you got a thing or two out of this post! Remember, the best morning routine is one that’s tailored to you. So try some things out, then switch them for others to find the perfect combination.
If you’re looking for more posts like this, check these out!
- 7 Brilliant Tips To Wake Up Early In The Morning
- 8 Daily Habits To Build To Become A Top Student
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