The new year is right around the corner, and we all want to make it better than the last. In this post, I’ve listed out 140 (that’s right) New Year’s Resolution ideas for you. But remember, to really make it work, you have to plan and act upon your goal.
Each resolution you create is a project for the year, and to ensure that you complete it, you need to plan it out. And now’s the perfect time to do it. Check out this Ultimate Guide To Effective Project Planning before you jump into the new year, and you’ll be ready to make it the most productive year yet.
And now that you know how to reach your goals, let’s take a look at the top 140 New Year’s resolution ideas you should implement now.
Academic Resolutions
- Earn a certain grade in a certain class.
- Earn or maintain a certain GPA.
- Get a specific score on AP tests/SAT/ACT
- Start taking notes that are actually helpful.
- Complete all your assignments on time.
- Never miss/skip one class.
- Understand, not just pass, the class.
- Learn instead of memorizing.
- Take classes you’re actually interested in.
- Hold study sessions with others more often.
- Start and follow a study routine.
- Enter in a certain number of competitions.
- Win a certain number of competitions.
- Win a certain number of scholarships.
- Win a specific scholarship.
- Take a few online courses on your own.
- Complete your degree in a certain number of years.
- Learn a new language.
- Learn how to code in a language.
- Build a project through coding.
- Go abroad for a while and learn the language.
- Get accepted into a certain college.
- Get accepted into a certain graduate program.
- Take and pass an extra-challenging course.
- Become friends with your professors.
- Start to set goals for each class.
- Read an extra-challenging text.
- Watch a documentary every month.
- Read at least 1 book each month.
- Complete a personal research paper.
Finance/Career Resolutions
- Earn a certain amount of money in 6 months.
- Earn a certain amount of money in 1 year.
- Find a side hustle you enjoy.
- Learn how to do your own taxes.
- Start a lifetime project.
- Start a profitable blog in a certain niche.
- Start a successful YouTube channel in one niche.
- Start your own business with handmade products.
- Start your own business with digital products.
- Become a self-published author.
- Get a job in a certain area of work.
- Get a job in a certain company.
- Get a raise or promotion to a certain position.
- Learn and start investing in stocks.
- Become an affiliate for a certain brand.
- Raise your credit score to a certain point.
- Save a certain amount of money regularly.
- Donate a certain amount of money regularly.
- Have a certain amount of money in your account by the end of the year.
- Pay off a certain percentage of your debts.
- Maintain a specific spending-saving ratio.
- Set and follow a monthly budget.
- Update and upgrade your resume.
- Intern for a specific company.
- Volunteer at a nonprofit organization.
- Start a nonprofit organization.
- Attend networking events regularly.
- Complete a money-saving challenge.
- Complete a no-spend month (nothing except necessities).
- Become a millionaire.
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Health Resolutions
- Have a self-care day every month.
- Practice self-love regularly.
- Start getting regular checkups.
- Drink enough water every day.
- Eat breakfast every day.
- Eat more greens in every meal.
- Be consistent with meals.
- Lose a certain amount of weight.
- Gain a certain amount of weight.
- Build confidence in your own body.
- Stretch every morning.
- Exercise a certain number of days every week.
- Go outside every day.
- Meditate for 15 minutes every day.
- Try a new healthy recipe every week.
- Start a healthy diet.
- Swap out sugary drinks for tea and water.
- Swap out sugary desserts for fruits and vegetables.
- Build and follow a skincare routine.
- Find and follow a fitness/workout routine.
- Complete a fitness challenge.
- Try a new sport or exercise every quarter.
- Floss every day.
- Take vitamins every day.
- Go vegetarian for a certain amount of time.
- Build and follow a healthy sleep schedule.
- Create an uplifting morning routine.
- Create a relaxing evening routine.
- Move more and sit less.
- Allow yourself to take breaks more often.
Personal Growth Resolutions
- Start a gratitude journal.
- Start a diary.
- Start a dream journal.
- Learn and implement the Law of Attraction.
- Identify something you’re passionate about.
- Have a social media detox every month.
- Cut off toxic people around you.
- Make a few great friends.
- Have a good laugh every day.
- Call a friend/family member every week.
- Get rid of 2 bad habits each quarter.
- Set SMART goals every month.
- Set goals for all your projects.
- Improve your time management.
- Start thinking more before you speak.
- Become a better public speaker.
- Be proactive in your intentions.
- Learn how to make quick and better decisions.
- Learn to accept and deal with stress.
- Improve your posture.
- Stop procrastinating.
- Build a positive and optimistic mindset.
- Use a planner/organizer more often.
- Spend only a certain amount of time on YouTube/Netflix/social media each week.
- Make new friends wherever you visit.
- Become an expert in something.
- Organize your digital space every month.
- Organize your physical space every week.
- Find your own fashion style.
- Create a closet that fits your style.
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Miscellaneous Resolutions
- Go to your favorite artist’s concert.
- Meet your favorite author/artist/celebrity.
- See your favorite show live.
- Visit a certain number of countries.
- Go skydiving.
- Film 1 second a day.
- Create a short movie with your favorite song.
- Create a documentary of your year.
- Create a scrapbook of your year.
- Start a new hobby.
- Write letters to people you love.
- Get your driver’s license.
- Go on a road trip with people you love.
- Learn how to write calligraphy.
- Be featured in a magazine/paper.
- Buy yourself gifts every month.
- Get your own apartment.
- Buy your own house.
- Adopt a pet.
- Make your year better than the last.
I hope this list was able to give you a few new ideas for your New Year! In case you forgot, visit the Ultimate Guide To Project Planning to learn the exact steps to prepare for and reach your goals.
Leave a comment with your top 3 New Year’s resolutions! And if you’re looking for more posts like this, check these out:
- Ultimate 5 Day Guide To Become Insanely Productive
- How To Build Consistency In Everything You Do
- 20 Legit Ways To Make Money As A Student